



A shorted membrane electrochemical cell powered by hydrogen to remove CO2 from the air feed of hydroxide exchange membrane fuel cells

Lin Shi,

Yun Zhao,

Stephanie Matz,

Shimshon Gottesfeld,

Brian P. Setzler&

Yushan Yan

Nature Energy (2022)Cite this article





The alkaline environment of hydroxide exchange membrane fuel cells (HEMFCs) potentially allows use of cost-effective catalysts and bipolar plates in devices. However, HEMFC performance is adversely affected by CO2 present in the ambient air feed. Here, we demonstrate an electrochemically driven CO2 separator (EDCS) to remove CO2 from the air feed using a shorted membrane that conducts both anions and electrons. This EDCS is powered by hydrogen like a fuel cell but needs no electrical wires, bipolar plates or current collectors, and thus can be modularized like a typical separation membrane. We show that a 25?cm2 shorted membrane EDCS can achieve >99% CO2 removal from 2,000?standard cubic centimetres per minute (sccm) of air for 450?hours and operate effectively under load-following dynamic conditions. A spiral-wound EDCS module can remove >98% CO2 from 10,000?sccm of air. Our technoeconomic analysis indicates a compact and efficient module at >99% CO2 removal costs US$112 for an 80?kWnet HEMFC stack.

这篇文章给碱性膜的美国Versogen公司做了一个好广告。要知道DOE燃料电池成本目标是15美元/kWnet,也就是1200美元,而这片文章通过计算说他们的二氧化碳移除装置112美元就可以实现,碱性膜电堆也很便宜。这下Strategic Analysis有的忙了,明年把碱性膜燃料电池的成本分析也计算一下吧:P。



作者的标题实际说的是氢气辅助二氧化碳电化学分离,Brian Setzler给DOE的报告就是

Electrochemically-Driven Carbon Dioxide Separation


Yushan Yan        Education


Ph.D., Chemical Engineering

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 


B.S., Chemical Physics

University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China


07/2011 – date 

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 

Founding Associate Dean for Research and Entrepreneurship, College of Engineering (2014-2018); Distinguished Engineering Professor (2011-2019; Henry B. du Pont Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2019-date) 

11/2017 – date

W7energy LLC, Wilmington, DE 

Founder and CEO. W7energy (w7energy.com) is commercializing a new class of hydroxide exchange membranes invented by the Yan group at the University of Delaware. 

09/1998 – 07/2011

Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA

Department Chair (2008-2011), Presidential Chair (2010-2011), University Scholar Professor (2006-2010).                                       

Professor (2005-2011). Associate Professor (2002-2005). Assistant Professor (1998-2002) 

01/2007 – 07/2007

Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Visiting Associate

09/1996 – 09/1998 

AlliedSignal Inc., Des Plaines, IL

Senior Staff Engineer/Project Leader

09/1992 – 08/1996 

Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Research Assistant

09/1988 – 09/1992

Heterogeneous Catalysis, Dalian Inst. Chem. Phys., Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dalian, China

Research Assistant


2019 Highly Cited Researchers, Web of Science

2019 Fellow of the Electrochemical Society

2019 Braskem Award for Materials Science and Engineering, The American Institute of Chemical Engineers

2019 Fellow of National Academy of Inventors

2018 Energy Technology Division Research Award, The Electrochemical Society

2016 Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum Award, AIChE

2015 Institute of Advanced Studies Lecture, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2011-2016 Qiushi Professor (Visiting), Zhejiang University

2011-2014 Hengyi Professor (Visiting), Zhejiang University

2011 27th Outstanding Alumni Lecture, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2010 Donald Breck Award, International Zeolite Association

2010 Presidential Chair, University of California

2010 Plenary Lecture, 5th International Zeolite Membrane Meeting, Greece

2009 Plenary Lecture, 15th Chinese Zeolite Conference, China

2008 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

2008 ChangJiang Professor (Visiting at Zhejiang University), Chinese Ministry of Education

2007 Guest Editor, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Special Issue in Honor of Professor R.R. Xu

2007 Top 100 Most Cited Papers (28th) Since 1975, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. American Chemical Society

2006 University Scholar (inaugural), University of California, Riverside

2003 Overseas Young Investigator, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2001 Faculty Development Award, University of California, Riverside

2000 Regent’s Faculty Fellowship, University of California, Riverside

1998 – 2003 Guest Professor, Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, China

1997 Recognition of Contribution, AlliedSignal Inc.

1994 Li Ming Scholarship Award, California Institute of Technology

1990 Presidential Award for Excellence, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Professional Membership

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); American Chemical Society (ACS); Electrochemical Society (ECS); Materials Research Society (MRS); North American Membrane Society (NAMS); International Zeolite Association (IZC)

Popular Press

New Scientist, C&EN News (ACS), Interface (ECS), Materials Today, Materials 360 (MRS), Chemical Engineering Progress (AIChE), Business Week, China Press, Chinese Daily News, The News Journal, CNN.com, CNBC, KABC, and VOA.

Journal Articles

? 270+ papers 

? 22,000+ total citations, h index = 80, Average citation/paper = 82, Web of Science

? 28,000+ total citations, h index = 89, Google Scholar


21 issued U.S. patents with many more pending; two successful startups (NanoH2O and W7energy)

Invited Lectures

270+ lectures including plenary, keynote and named lectures in major international conferences and universities in the U.S. and around the world

Students and Postdocs Supervision

30+ trained PhDs and 30+ trained postdocs; 20+ of them hold faculty appointments; former group members have been elected Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Australia Academy of Engineering and Technology, and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

       原文标题 : 氢气辅助二氧化碳电化学分离

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